• 2024 CPSG Annual Meeting

    Registration for the 2024 CPSG Annual Meeting is now open!

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  • Species Conservation Planning Tools Library

    A new resource to connect species conservation practitioners to well-tested planning tools suitable for use in a variety of planning situations.

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Our Mission

CPSG’s mission is to save threatened species by increasing the effectiveness of conservation efforts worldwide. For 40 years, we’ve accomplished this by using scientifically sound, collaborative processes that bring together people with diverse perspectives and knowledge to catalyze positive conservation change. We provide species conservation planning expertise to governments, Specialist Groups, zoos and aquariums, and other wildlife organizations.

Our Approach


Workshop Processes

Our workshops provide an objective environment, expert knowledge, and thoughtful group facilitation. They are designed to systematically address problems and develop focused solutions using sound science.


Science-Based Tools

CPSG develops and employs a wide variety of tools to assist conservation professionals in developing effective strategies for averting extinction of endangered species.



As a training organization, we believe in the power of individuals to affect change and a focus on developing competencies, wherever it is required, to ensure that more effective species conservation plans are developed and implemented.
